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Jeju April 3rd Historic Sites

April 3rd Historic Sites List

46 items - Page 5 of 6

Former Distillery Site

Former Distillery Site

Oriental Development Company Jeju Distillery was established in 1934 by Japan and it was an important industrial facility before and after the liberation. The warehouse of the distillery was used a...

Gwanduckjeong Pavillion

Gwanduckjeong Pavillion

Gwandeokjeong Pavilion was built by Pastor Sin Suk-Cheong in the thirtieth year of King Sejong's reign (1448) as a training ground. On 1 March 1947, people joined the ceremony to commemorate t...

Jeju April 3rd Peace Park

Jeju April 3rd Peace Park

Jeju 4·3 Peace Park was established to remember the tragic history of the Jeju April 3rd Uprising and Massacre, restore victims’ reputations and promote Jeju as an island of peace and human rights....

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Jeju-si Cemetry for the Loyal Dead

Memorial stones for soldiers and police officers who were killed during the April 3rd Uprising are erected at the cemetery for the Loyal Dead located in Jeju city. Colonel Park Jin-gyeong’s memoria...




옥성정 옛터

옥성정 옛터

옥성정 옛터

제주국제공항 (정뜨르 비행장)

제주국제공항 (정뜨르 비행장)

제주농업학교 옛터

제주농업학교 옛터

제주신보사 옛터 현재 모습.

제주신보사 옛터

제주신보사는 해방 이후 제주도의 유일한 언론매체로 1945년 10월 1일, 전국 최초로 지방에서 창간된 신문이었다.이때부터 제주 지역의 유일한 언론으로써 제주도의 제반현황에 대한 기사를 작성했고, 이에 제주신보의 당시 자료는 해방 이후 제주사회의 흐름을 파악할 수 있는 주요한 자료로 지금까지 활용되고 있다.그러나 1948년 4‧3이 발발하면서 토벌대...